Vroom: Huge Nick
To show NBA fans they can avoid unforeseen car issues, like dings, scratches and nicks, we teamed up with the biggest New York Knick we could find: All-Star Forward, Julius Randle.
Buchanan’s: Life is Better Shared
In the Hispanic community, Buchanan’s has always been a popular whiskey order at bars, clubs and restaurants. But when the pandemic started, and people stopped going out, they needed to shift gears. We sprinted to create Life is Better Shared: a timely reminder to share what you love, with the people you love.
Panera Bread: Steaming Billboards
In the middle of winter, our steaming billboards let drivers in some of America’s coldest cities know that steaming hot soup up was up ahead at Panera.
Reese’s: Not Sorry
I got to spend the day at Instagram coming up with Reese’s Instagram ideas with the king of Instagram, Pablo Rochat.